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What courses qualify for student visa Spain?

To obtain a student visa in Spain, it is essential to enrol in a program of at least 20 hours per week at an accredited Spanish university or other officially recognised educational institution. The chosen course must be presential and lead to obtaining a title.

Correcting a prevalent misconception, a student visa is not limited solely to university education. It broadens its reach to encompass diverse educational paths, such as vocational training, advanced artistic or sports education, and language courses.(provided the institute is accredited by the Cervantes Institute for Spanish courses), and university studies at both private and public institutions.

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1 Criteria for valid studies

Certain criteria must be met for studies to be deemed valid for a student visa:

  1. The educational establishment needs approval from either the Spanish Government (Ministry of Education) or the regional government and must be officially enrolled in a public entity.

  2. The course can be full-time or part-time, but requires a minimum commitment of 20 hours per week.

  3. The course must culminate in the attainment of an official certificate.
    Spanish language classes must take place in an academy recognized by the Cervantes Institute, whereas courses in different languages must be approved by an equivalent institution.

  4. Ensuring that the chosen course satisfies these criteria is pivotal for a seamless application process. Check the official list from the Spanish government in order to verify if the course you’re going to take qualifies for it, especially if you intend to stay in Spain beyond the study period, which becomes crucial when applying for a one-year residency to pursue employment post-studies.

2 Online Courses and Visa Eligibility

Regrettably, online courses do not meet the eligibility criteria for a student visa in Spain. The immigration office rejects applications for online courses as they lack the requirement for physical presence in Spain. To bolster the chances of a successful application, it is imperative to enroll in a course or master’s program that mandates physical presence in the country.

3 Application Procedure for a Student Visa in Spain

The application process for a student visa in Spain is intricate and involves several steps:

  1. Submit an application.
  2. Furnish evidence of enrollment in a qualifying course.
  3. Demonstrate financial support and possess valid health insurance covering your stay in all Spanish territory.
  4. Pay the requisite application fee.

For additional details, you can refer to our article “How to Get a Student Visa for Spain.”

Tip: Commencing the application process early and ensuring all necessary documentation is prepared can significantly contribute to a smooth experience.

4 What are the Spain student visa success rates?

Getting a student visa for Spain is usually a breeze, boasting an impressive 97% approval rate. In simpler terms, out of every 100 people aiming for a student visa from the Spanish government, only 3 face rejection. This stellar success rate owes much to applicants carefully following instructions and providing spot-on documentation.

Nevertheless, a few stumbling blocks could trip you up, such as submitting incomplete or inaccurate applications, providing false information, or having a run-in with the law. To boost your chances of securing that student visa, it’s crucial to stick to the application guidelines and ensure all necessary documentation is spot on.

Embarking on a study program in Spain promises a rewarding experience, but navigating the student visa process demands attention and diligence. If you’ve got any questions or concerns about the visa application procedures, our team of expert immigration attorneys at is here to help. Their knowledge can guide you through the process, increasing your chances of a successful outcome.


Additional suggestions

  • Initiate the application process well in advance due to its time-consuming nature.
  • Ensure you have duplicates of essential documents, including your passport, birth certificate, and proof of enrollment.
  • Familiarize yourself with basic Spanish to facilitate communication, as it is the official language of Spain.

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