NIM Immigration Lawyers Spain

Free Immigration Webinars

Nim Lawyers welcomes you to a series of insightful and informative “Free Immigration Webinars.” These webinars aim to provide valuable information on various immigration topics, and our upcoming session will focus on the Digital Nomad Visa, a subject of increasing relevance in today’s globalized world. Our commitment to offering comprehensive legal advice and services makes these webinars a valuable resource for those seeking to navigate the complex landscape of immigration laws and regulations in Spain.

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Key Details

  • Language: All our webinars will be conducted in English to ensure accessibility to a broader audience.
  • Duration: The event will span a total of 30 minutes, offering in-depth knowledge and direct interaction with our expert.

Featured Expert Presenter

Irene Martí Gispert, an expert attorney, legal specialist, and the founder of Nim Lawyers, will be the distinguished speaker for our Free Immigration Webinar on the Digital Nomad Visa.

Her extensive experience in immigration and legal services makes her the perfect guide for this important topic.


Webinar Agenda

  1. Introduction (5 minutes): A warm welcome to all attendees, an overview of the event structure, and a brief introduction to Nim Lawyers and Irene Martí Gispert’s background.
  1. Visa Presentation (15 minutes): Irene Martí Gispert will delve into the specifics of Digital Spanish Visa, addressing eligibility criteria, application processes, and the benefits of this visa option for those interested in living and working in Spain. Her comprehensive knowledge and experience will provide valuable insights for both beginners and those seeking more advanced information.
  2. Interactive Q&A Session (10 minutes): After the presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and seek personalized guidance from Irene Martí Gispert. This segment allows for a dynamic and engaging experience, ensuring that your specific inquiries are addressed.

Why Attend

  • Access a series of “Free Immigration Webinars” covering various immigration topics to expand your knowledge and understanding of the subject.
  • Gain a deep understanding of the Visa, its advantages, and how it can facilitate your relocation to Spain.
    Interact directly with a legal expert to get answers to your questions and concerns.
  • Access invaluable resources and insights to help you make informed decisions regarding your move to Spain.

We look forward to having you at our “Free Immigration Webinars.” These sessions provide an excellent opportunity to learn, connect with a supportive community, and receive expert guidance on your immigration journey.